Monday, April 30, 2012

~an essay about myself~

I am Nurul Aslida bt Shamsulbahri but i'd like to be called as Ida and i am a single woman. I was born on 27 March 1991 and have my first primary school at SK Pagar Museh, Kulim, Kedah and then changed to SK Padang Mengkuang, Terengganu. It took 20 years to create who i am today. within these years, i have been given the freedom to explore the world in order to satisfy my curiosity toward all the strange and wonderful things in the world around me. [U_U]

i grew up in a healthy family. i had 2 elder sisters, 3 younger sisters and a youngest brother and this make my childhood days more colourful. my father works as a Oil Palm Manager Estate at Miri, Sarawak. he is so kind, strict, good looking, caring and hardworking man. he likes to play golf, chess, and fishing. but the best things was, my hero always singing a balled songs. he has a really wonderful voice that special talent always make. since my father had stable careers, this provided us with more opportunities to learn what we desired to.

i am person who is positive about every aspect of life. there are many things i like to do, to see and to experience. i like to read, to write, to think, to dream, and to talk. sometimes i like to see the sunrise in the morning, the moonlight at night even like to feel the music flowing on my face. i'm somehow serious person, but that's only because they don't see the other side of me. my family was the only people who truly see the extent of where my madness goes. poor them.

i was lucky because still have my both my lover that really important in my life especially my mother. my mother is very intelligent, attractive, and romantic woman. she can do many things such as cooking, sewing, baking, and else. she looks younger than her age.  [^_^]

on secondary school, i participated in many school activities, with widened my horizons and gave me many opportunities to do practical work in companies. all of that were very useful to my major study. during this period, i have learnt much. i learned  the values of teamwork and commitment, how to win, how to work hard, how to concentrate and focus on goals, and how to balance my time and priorities. the passing years offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.

now, i'm studying in Bachelor in Banking at Universiti Utara  Malaysia. university-widely considered one of the most eminent management universities of the world. after finishing my degree i want to take master in Business Management to archive  my dream to open my own business in franchising. 

Monday, April 2, 2012

~4.05 a.m st0ry~

its now 4.05 in the morning but i still 
can't sleep!

its getting cold n cold every second
looking at my dearest roommate
with her 'sleeping beauty'
and her 'singing' like music to my ears...

but i also still can't sleep!


then, i remember something..
yesterday morning,
while waiting the bus at the bus stop,
one of my greatest friend asked
"what is your sweet moment in UUM?"

i answered it with a smile :)
"Hari Perasmian Sukuum"

my friend ask again:
"why? is it because we had won great candidate award?"

my answer:
"no dear..its not because of that...i'm happy because
i enjoyed the moment when
running on the track at Pusat Sukan with laughed and fun,
with my sweetest friends after tired tidy up the field,
just the way i wanted before.."

.:there are the pictures me n my friends:.

(muamalat geng)

(sweet friend of mine)

(helping cleaner tidy up the field)

(running on the track)

run!!!! haha!!

p/s: tQ friends for the greatest moment you all gave for me..i'll memorized it until the end of my life.. :))

Sunday, April 1, 2012

letter to my love

mom, i just wanted to let you know that i care for you,
mom, i wanted to tell u that i love you,
mom, i wanted to tell you, i don't want to see you crying,
but if you do so, please remember me...

mom, i'm happy because you happy,
mom, i'm here for you because you're here for me,
mom, i wanna stop time so that you wont get old
but if you do, please remember me..

mom, i will always love you,
mom, i don't want you to forget me,
mom, i want to be a great daughter for you,
so i can always see you smile,
i love you mom
you will always be the Queen of my heart..

Monday, March 19, 2012

~Ikatan Mahabbah Bank Muamalat~


sy slaku
exco kemudahan, perkhidmatan dan kebajikan
DPP Bank Muamalat
ingin mngucpkan ribuan trima ksih
pd smua yg telah mnjayakan
yg tlh brlgsung pada
2 MAC 2012
di Dataran Mawar, DPP Bank Muamalat
terima kasih sgt2 yer ats kerjasama baik yg korg smua bg

~saya sayang MUAMALAT~

.::antara tugas yg diberikan adalah::.

(menyapu daun2 atas jalan)

(menyapu daun2 disekitar Dataran Mawar)

(membersihkan longkang)

(mengecat meja dan kerusi)

~yang baik itu datang dari Allah s.w.t. dan yg buruk itu datang dari diri kita sndiri~

p/s: pasni lau ade gotong-royong, joinlah lg yerr...^_^

~Isteri Yang Solehah~

Kecerdikan seorang isteri bukan diukur daripada segulung dua ijazah yang diraih dari universiti atau kolej-kolej. [Jangan salah faham..tidak bermaksud Islam melarang wanita mencari ilmu setinggi mana dan tidak melarang wanita bekerja, tapi mestilah dengan batas-batas yang ditetapkan Allah..yang mana semua batasan itu adalah untuk kebaikan wanita itu sendiri jika dia berfikir dengan mata hati yang jernih.]

1. Kecerdikan isteri terserlah pada sifat mengenali dan memahami keperluan suami semasa suka mahu pun duka.

2. Dia pandai mengambil hati suami dengan perilaku yang manja dan lemah lembut.

3. Tutur katanya halus dan berhati-hati agar suami tidak terasa hati.

4. Gurauannya bersahaja sangat menyenangkan jiwa.

5. Dia bijak mengangkat nilai suami pada pandangan orang lain. [Tidak bererti kena puji melambung setiap hari..bukan pula sampai menjaja hal peribadi.. Jangan jatuhkan maruah suami di hadapan sesiapapun termasuk anak-anak, keluarga mertua dan keluarga isteri.]

6. Sentiasa bersedia untuk diajak berbual apa sahaja tanpa rasa jemu dan perasaan layu.

7. Isteri yang pandai membaca riak rasa suami sama ada gembira atau sebaliknya.

8. Menjadi penguat semangatnya untuk melakukan yang lebih baik esok hari. Ada pepatah mengatakan di belakang seorang lelaki berjaya, ada seorang wanita bernama isteri yang sentiasa mendorong dan meniup semangat juangnya..